CMS Brembana GR-7142 Spindle
Repair and Rebuild

CMS Brembana GR.7142 spindle repair and rebuild_before and after

CMS Brembana GR-7142 before and after

This CMS Brembana GR-7142 spindle lasted over a decade before being sent to us for repair! Initially the customer had called us because of a Drawbar sensor error. But before we could talk them through the possible reasons for the error, the spindle shaft seized. Soon thereafter the customer sent the spindle in and we took a close look at everything. The drawbar sensor error was the result of fatigued and broken washers on the Drawbar. The gripper assembly was also corroded and worn which may have contributed to other problems.

While inspecting the shaft we also discovered a major problem which we often see with stone cutting spindles. The cam angle within the shafts ID was severely corroded. Over time stone slurry works its way into the cavity where the gripper assembly grabs the tool holder retention knob. This slurry wears down the edge that contacts the gripper fingers and results in poor tool retention. For more information on this please click here CMS Brembana. Unfortunately this shaft had to be replaced with new.

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New Shaft: Note the good cam angle with a 90° edge.

CMS Brembana GR.7142 spindle repair and rebuild_old shaft_cam angle

Old Shaft: Note the worn cam angle. There’s almost no edge remaining!










Along with the Drawbar and shaft issues, all of the bearings were badly contaminated and worn. Most of the grease lubrication had been completely washed out of the front bearing pair. Although there is a nice labyrinth at the work end of this assembly, it can’t hold back the fine, stone particulate and cutting fluid forever. All bearings and O-rings were replaced with new.

CMS Brembana GR.7142 spindle repair and rebuild_collet_inside look

Inside look: This is an example of what the shaft looked like. Note how the collet seats past the cam shoulder!

CMS Brembana GR.7142 spindle repair and rebuild_bearing failure_1

CMS Brembana GR.7142 bearing failure.










All around this spindle was badly worn when we got it. But thanks to our highly skilled technicians, the sensor error was eliminated and the drawbar pull force was back to within specification. And the spindle ran like brand new!  For expert CMS Brembana GR.7142 spindle repair, please email or call us at 603-483-0333 for a free, no obligation quote. We offer Factory Equivalent Warranty and Quick-Turn-Around. We are fast, experienced and our work is guaranteed!!